
TCSA Board of Directors Call for Candidates for Charter School Representatives

December 4, 2019

The Texas Charter Schools Association is holding elections for charter school operator representation on its Board of Directors in January 2020. As you may know, the TCSA Board of Directors voted in October to change its governance structure to reflect the changing needs of the sector and to create a board that is effective and nimble. Below is the new governance structure:

  • 3 appointed seats to the largest operators
  • 2 elected large school seats (1500+ students)
  • 5 elected small school seats (0-1499 students)
  • 2 board-appointed operator seats
  • Up to 7 community seats

For the upcoming elections, there are two (2) seats open for small school representatives and two (2) seats open for large school representatives. Schools with student enrollment below 1,499 will vote for candidates representing small schools; schools with student enrollment of 1,500+ students will vote for candidates representing large schools (according to 2020 membership numbers). One vote per school.

If you are interested in supporting the mission of TCSA and advancing the policy climate for the public charter community in Texas, I encourage you to read the updated TCSA Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities. If you have yet to renew your membership with TCSA, you have to renew by December 10, 2019 in order to be eligible to run.

To confirm your candidacy for large or small school races, please send the following to Janie Munoz ( by December 13, 2019.

  • Your name
  • The school you lead
  • Your picture
  • Your bio
  • A note about why you want to run for a large/small school position on the TCSA Board of Directors

Elections will be held online only from January 6, 2020 – January 20, 2020. Winners will be announced on January 20, 2020, unless there is a runoff. If you have questions about this process, please contact Janie Munoz (

Thank you for your commitment to great public schools for Texas students.

Starlee Coleman
Chief Executive Officer


512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704