
2019 Texas Charter School Lobby Day

February 6, 2019

The Texas Charter Schools Association requested your help to increase charter school funding and protect charters from more red tape and anti-charter regulations. 

On Tuesday, 2/5, charter school CEOs, superintendents, campus leaders, charter board members and teachers were joined by the TCSA Board of Directors and leadership team in Austin for an orientation and reception, followed up by dinner at the Brick Oven.

On Wednesday, 2/6, TCSA Lobby Day was held at the Texas State Capitol. Attendees helped to advance policies supporting charter schools and inform state policymakers about the issues affecting their schools.

With a new Speaker of the Texas House, 34 new members of the House and Senate, and an increasing urgency around school finance reform, the voices of charter school senior leaders and board members are more important than ever. Thank you to all you who lent theirs on these very important days for Texas public charter schools.

Below are some images from the orientation and reception. 

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512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704