3 Things You Should Know About Charter Schools

3 Things You Should Know About Charter Schools

3 Things You Should Know About Charter Schools

3 Things You Should Know About Charter Schools

3 Things You Should Know About Charter Schools

1. Students From All Backgrounds Are Thriving

Public charter schools create exciting opportunities for ALL students.

They're closing decades-old achievement gaps. They're personalizing school for students with disabilities.

The era of "one size fits all" education is over.

How Are Texas Public Charter schools closing achievement gaps?
Parent Perspective: Texas Charters Have Allowed my Special Needs Child to Thrive

2. 55,000 Students Are Waiting For Texas Public Charters

There are 55,000 students on Texas public charter school waitlists

At 552 schools, there are more applicants than available seats

That includes:

135 campuses in Dallas / Fort Worth

112 in Greater Houston

52 in the Rio Grande Valley

49 in San Antonio

42 in Central Texas

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New Report By TEA Details How 55,000 Students Are On Texas Charter School Waiting Lists

Read The Report Now

3. Public Charter Students Are Equipped For Real-World Success

At Texas public charter schools, students are learning hands-on.

They're challenging themselves with advanced classes.

And they're going to and through college.

Public charter school students are ready for the jobs of tomorrow.

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Charter School Success

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Texas Public Charter Schools are Preparing the Workforce of the Future
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Texas Public Charter School Post Secondary Outcomes Research Brief

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