
Keep up-to-date on Extended School Year Services

October 16, 2019

As per the guidance of the Texas Education Agency, Extended School Year (ESY) services are to be delivered beyond the regular school year. Extended School Year services is an individualized instructional program for eligible students with disabilities. ESY services are connected to previous and future school year services. These services allow students with disabilities to maintain critical skills outside of the traditional school year months.

The need for ESY services will be determined on an individual basis by the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee. The need for ESY services must be documented (through either formal or informal evaluations provided by districts or parents).

Districts should ensure the following requirements are met in order to provide students with an equitable, free, and appropriate public education:

  • ESY goals and activities for individual students are reflected in the student’s current IEP.
  • District information reflects that ALL disability categories are considered for ESY.
  • ESY services are not limited as to the type, amount or duration. School leaders and administrators consider all options and services for the benefit of their students.
  • Transportation is considered and offered to all students
  • All district staff, administrators, supervisors, teachers, and leaders understand the purpose of ESY services and the role they play in the delivery of ESY services
  • District staff ensures that parents are provided adequate information regarding the purpose, intention, and objectives surrounding ESY services. Parents feel empowered to contact their assigned committee or staff member regarding their student’s ESY services.

For further information about Extended School Year services, review the Special Education Rules and Regulations webpage on the TEA website or visit Texas Project FIRST.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704