Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices That Keep Students in School

A new report released by the Texas Public Charter Schools Association shows that public charter schools in Texas discipline fewer of their students (7.2%) than district schools (10.5%).

In particular, Black students and children with disabilities – who have historically been over-disciplined in school – are significantly less likely to be removed from their classrooms when they attend public charters.

Among the report's key findings:

  • Texas public charter schools assigned 50% fewer in-school suspensions than district schools
  • Special needs students were assigned in-school suspensions 40% less in charter schools over the past five years
  • Black and Hispanic charter students are three to four times less likely to be assigned an in-school suspension than their peers at district schools
  • Black students at charters are assigned out-of-school suspensions at a rate 2-3% lower than their peers at district schools
  • Public charter schools and district schools assign out-of-school suspensions and expel students at similarly low rates

One explanation for these good results could be that 40% of charter schools report using restorative practices that focus on inclusion, equity, empathy, acceptance, and collaboration to help avoid strict disciplinary actions. We also know that charter schools have 4-5 times as many teachers of color.  Research shows that teachers of color don’t interpret minor infractions by children of color the same as white teachers and that they are better able to deescalate misbehavior by children of color.

Regardless of the reasons, the data is indisputable: Public charter schools have lower discipline rates and are doing their part to keep more students in the classroom and learning.

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Texas Public Charters Use Discipline Practices that Keep Students in School

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