Premier High School

A pioneering partnership among non-profit, business, and academic leaders in Houston is getting amazing results for kids. At the center is Premier High School, a public charter school located in the former showroom of a Gallery Furniture store provided by iconic philanthropist “Mattress Mack.” The school uses flexible scheduling so that all students — both traditional and non-traditional — can complete vocational training at the same time as their high school studies. Educators help them navigate the process of landing jobs and apprenticeships, then support them after graduation as they advance their careers and meet financial goals.
Vanguard Academy

Graduates of Vanguard Academy in the Rio Grande Valley are among the most skilled and prepared job applicants in Texas. These public charter schools offer 20 Career and Technical Education programs of study, including agriculture, welding, healthcare, and cybersecurity. Career readiness is deeply embedded into the schools’ culture — from students identifying areas of interest in middle school to taking college courses while they’re still in high school.