
Fully Funded with Stipends through TEA: Online Blended Learning Series for Teachers

November 28, 2018

Want to learn more about Blended Learning strategies? NOW is the time. Funding is available for the costs of blended learning training. This TEA initiative to fund professional development (PD) for teachers who are committed to learning and implementing blended learning strategies in their classrooms is available through July 2019. In addition, campus coaches, teacher aides and other staff interested in learning about blended learning are eligible for the PD and reimbursement.

UTeach at the University of Texas at Austin believes in the power of well-prepared teachers with effective instructional pedagogies, classroom management strategies, and technology that will spark student interest and support personalized learning. The UTeach Blended Learning series was born out of this conviction.

The UTeach Blended Learning Series consists of 4 facilitated online courses that are self-paced and designed to be completed in 3 months with approximately 2 to 2.5 hours of time commitment per week. Upon completion, teachers will have lesson plans, classroom management plans, and technology strategies to use in their classrooms. A new learning cohort begins the first week of each month until June 2019. The cost of the series is $1,000 per teacher and completion of the online courses are fully reimbursable and UTeach takes care of the reimbursement process. In addition, participants get a $750 stipend upon completion of the course series.  UTeach will provide the documentation to TEA, and TEA will reimburse the charter school. Each charter school needs to review their educator contracts and determine that the stipend is allowable. 

See the UTeach Blog on Medium for more information about the power of Blended Learning.

For questions about the UTeach Blended Learning professional development opportunity contact

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704