
New TCSA Director of Training on future tools

September 9, 2015

By Dr. Paula Moeller, TCSA Director of Training

While the start of school is often challenging with many demands on your time, TCSA seeks to help you to train your staff whenever and wherever they need to receive training. Using technology to teach content to adult learners is a passion of mine, and one that I hope to fully develop for you and your staff through the association.

Dr. Paula Moeller

Dr. Paula Moeller

To give you an idea, this fall, we will be developing additional videos for inclusion in the TCSA learning platform hosted by Nuvola Networks. While we aren’t abandoning face-to-face training, we will be using in-person training more sparingly this year.

Instead, I plan to create school-based training opportunities where we can highlight the advanced efforts of other campuses and districts within the network. I believe we are able to implement change more efficiently when we are able to observe these innovations in active learning environments.

The best charter schools in the nation are right here in Texas, and I can’t wait for other leaders to visit these schools with me to learn about the exciting strategies that are being implemented.

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many of the districts and charter schools in the state through grant funding from the Texas Education Agency. Some of my work was focused on helping campuses implement systemic change to increase student performance, while other work helped districts create teacher-incentive funding programs or develop Early College High Schools. The OnTRACK for College Readiness program was developed to help Texas students master TEKS content 24/7, in real-time, whenever they needed to accelerate or remediate their understanding of core content. Quality instruction and practice, along with strong instructional leadership, drive results.

I look forward to working with you and for you! Please feel free to share your ideas about future TCSA training opportunities with me via email at Paula Moeller.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704