Open a Charter School

Open a Charter School

Open a Charter School

Open a Charter School

Open a Charter School

Why Texas

The Future is Texas

Texas is the place to be: where funding is growing, the political climate is better, and partnerships are stronger. As we look at the growing charter school community in Texas, we’re excited about the terrific progress we are making for students, and we are filled with a sense of urgency to do more. We hope you will consider Texas as part of your future growth and expansion plans.

How to Apply

Application Information

The charter school movement depends on highly-motivated, passionate and visionary leaders to drive an effective, diverse set of quality public school options for students. TPCSA is here to help you be another success story for the next generation of Texas charters. Learn more about TPCSA’s Charter Development Services and Charter Start – Beginner and Charter Start – Advanced training sessions.

Since 1995 when Texas lawmakers first launched public charter schools – one of the most significant education reforms in the state’s history – charter schools have been charged with the duty to:

  1. Improve student learning.
  2. Increase the choice of learning opportunities within the public school system.
  3. Create professional opportunities that will attract new teachers to the public school system.
  4. Establish a new form of accountability for public schools.
  5. Encourage different and innovative learning methods.

Some of the best charter schools in the nation operate in Texas because of courageous, creative people like you. Thank you for taking a step to make a difference in the lives of Texas children.

Open-Enrollment Charters

The types of entities eligible to hold a Texas open-enrollment charter are as follows:

  • Institutions of higher education;
  • Private or independent institutions of higher education;
  • Tax-exempt organizations classified as 501(c)(3)’s under the Internal Revenue Code; and
  • Governmental entities.

Churches and other faith-based organizations are not eligible to apply for a charter. These applicants will need to establish a separate, nonsectarian 501(c)(3).

University Charters

The commissioner of education may grant open-enrollment charters to public colleges and universities. These schools must operate on a campus of the college or university or in the same county as the college or university.

See Texas Education Code, Chapter 12, Subchapter E §12.152.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704