
Save Thousands Using TCSA’s Energy Program

June 19, 2017

Did you know that Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA) created an energy cooperative that has saved charter schools more than $1 million since 2011? Savings for all current contract holders in 2017 amount to nearly $300,000! In 2016, Arlington Classics Academy used the program to reduce their energy costs by $19,000 annually and $57,000 over the life of their new contract. A+ Charter Schools are currently saving over $24,000 annually and $72,500 over the life of their contract.

TCSA, in partnership with Van Brunt & Associates, developed a charter-specific request for proposal (RFP) process, which includes:

  • All-in pricing, including Nodal charges (a surcharge when usage is high) and tax-exemption;
  • No usage requirements;
  • No penalty for additional meters with less than three percent of total usage;
  • Add/delete meter assistance;
  • Eight charter-friendly suppliers who have worked with the program since 2011 and will adhere to the contract;
  • Receive indicative pricing as often as needed prior to making a commitment; and
  • Updates from TCSA to let you know when pricing is low so you can bid at the correct time.

Members typically receive five bids, which leads to greater cost savings. Not only will you stay compliant through the competitive bidding process, you will save money for your school.

Are you interested in savings tens of thousands of dollars annually? Here’s how it works:

  • First, find out if your campus is located in a de-regulated area by contacting Erin Tholen.
  • Next, TCSA will evaluate your current usage and pull some pricing so you can see what you would pay with our contract.
  • Finally, we will release an RFP to eight suppliers and receive bids the following day after you are ready to bid. We share price comparisons with you and let you choose the price and length of your contract.

“…it was great that Annette (TCSA broker) was able to shop all those vendors and find Constellation Energy.  She also enabled us to lock in the pricing 4 months ahead of the expiration of the previous contract, at a time when the prices were at their lowest.”

– Richard Tuck, Chief Operating Officer, La Academia de Estrellas

For more information and learn about charter members who have used this program, contact Erin Tholen.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704