
Solution Provider Spotlight: ValuTeachers

November 17, 2020

TPCSA works hard to connect competitively-priced solution providers with the needs of our member schools. If you are a TPCSA Solution Provider or TPCSA member school with a positive story to share, let us know! Click to contact us and learn more about TPCSA membership opportunities.

ValuTeachers specializes in complete charter school retirement plan solutions. Here's a window into their work:  

Who We Are:

We are a team of teacher retirement specialists that provide education information about 403(b)/457/IRA/retirement supplements to over 7,000 school systems across the country.

Services Provided:

We can assist your schools with: setting up a customized plan, plan administration (TPA), education for employees on their state retirement program (TRS), supplemental retirement programs, employee enrollment and continued service.  

ValuTeachers Mission: “Helping School System Employees Retire with Financial Dignity” 

Many educators are not informed about the retirement income GAP they could possibly have once they retire. Let’s work together to create and implement a strategy to bridge your retirement income GAP.

Click the link to schedule your appointment.

Contact Info:

Reginald Glenn                            Vivian Glenn

713-570-6161                              713-510-3404             

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704