Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond

Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond

Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond

Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond

Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond

Pre-kindergarten (pre-k) programs help ensure that all children, regardless of their background, are prepared to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.

Texas public charter schools play an outsized role in creating these educational opportunities. Pre-K enrollment at public charter schools is growing at a rate nearly quadruple that of traditional districts. And from the forefront of this rapidly-emerging field, public charter school educators are beating the odds—helping the state’s most vulnerable students prepare to read, write, and develop math skills before they ever become part of an “achievement gap.”

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Pre-K Report One Pager

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Texas Public Charter Schools Prepare Children for Kindergarten and Beyond: Full Report

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