
Two Important Webinars for Charter Leaders

July 24, 2019

We are excited to add two new important webinars to our training offerings this summer.  On Thursday, August 1stat 10:00 a.m. please plan to join us for 86thLegislature Update for Charter Leaders.  As you know, a number of bills in addition to HB3 were signed into law as a result of actions of the 86th Texas Legislature that address safety and security, curriculum and instruction, health issues, discipline, personnel, and other matters.  This training provides a summary of these new bills and the impact on charter schools. 

We will present Changes to the Charter School Performance Framework on Tuesday, August 6that 10:00 a.m. The CSPF is an important evaluation tool used by the Texas Education Agency to monitor the academic, financial, and operational performance of Texas charter schools.  TEA has proposed changes in the CSPF for some of the indicators being monitored.  This training will review these proposed changes and discuss how the CSPF is used to impact Commissioner recommendations for charter school expansion and renewal.

Can’t make the live webinars?  No worries!  These webinars will be recorded and available for free access to TCSA members anytime on our on-demand platform in the TCSA Learning Zone.  

Speaking of training, the 2019 TCSA Conference is just around the corner October 28th– 30th.  This year’s conference will feature 88 breakout sessions that will allow charter administrators to receive their required 15-hour annual training update all at one time and go a long way towards the initial 30 hours of training if you are a new administrator.  On Tuesday, October 29th we will again have our popular 6-hour board workshop that allows board members to receive their required 6-hour training update all on one day.

Questions about training requirements, on-demand training, or interested in setting up a live training for your school? Contact Bruce Marchand at the Texas Charter Schools Association.  We’re here to help!  

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704