
Two New Trainings Free to TCSA Members Schools

April 17, 2019

At TCSA we are always looking for ways to add value to your membership and respond to training requests from members.  One topic that frequently arises is that of superintendent evaluation.  Most governance boards understand the importance of evaluating the school leader of their organization, but they aren't sure where to start.   We’ve created a free webinar airing Thursday, April 25th at 10:00 a.m. for our members, CEO/Superintendent Evaluations – Best Practices , that will address the following:

  • What are the state laws and regulations related to school leader evaluations?
  • How frequently should superintendents be evaluated?  
  • What metrics should boards use as part of the evaluation?  
  • How do 3, 5, or 7 people decide on what are a leader’s areas of strength and what are areas where growth is needed?
  • How do you communicate the evaluation?  
  • What if we need to put the superintendent on a growth plan?

TCSA's Director of Training/COO Dr. Bruce Marchand will use his background and training as an ISD and charter school leader to answer these and other questions that boards (and superintendents) frequently ask.  Whether you are a board member, superintendent, or aspiring leader, please click on the link and plan to join the free webinar on Thursday, April 25th at 10:00 a.m. as we work through this important topic. 

In addition, we’ve created a new free on-demand course available now especially for school secretaries, receptionists, and anyone else in your school whose job is to work in the front office titled Customer Service Training for Front Office Staff .  Front office staff members (secretaries, receptionists, clerks) are the first people that students, parents, and other school guests often see - they are the face of your school.  Yet without proper training in customer service best practices, mistakes can be made that can cause small problems to grow into large ones and use valuable resources to correct. In the training participants will learn the following:

  • What is good and bad customer service
  • Who your customers are
  • How to conduct a customer service self-assessment to build trust
  • Understanding how the physical environment affects customer's perceptions
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication tips
  • Handling e-mail, phones, and letters
  • Dealing with difficult cases
  • Handling meetings

Speaking of great training opportunities, registration for the 2019 TCSA Annual Conference is now open!  Register now to take advantage of early registration rates. 

Do you have a training need or are you interested in live training at your school?  Let us know – we’re here for you!

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704