
86th Legislature Priority Bill Update

May 1, 2019

The last day of the 86th Legislative Session is May 27! With only four weeks left in the session, this is the time that everything starts moving quickly and bills start becoming laws.

Here is a look at where some of our priority bills are currently in the legislative process:
HB 3155 exempts public charter schools from impact fees and drainage fees and requires municipalities to enter into a land development agreement if requested by a public charter school allowing public charter schools to keep more of their funds in the classroom.

HB 3155 has passed out of the House Public Education Committee and the next step is for HB 3155 to be referred to calendars so it can be placed on the General Calendar and heard by the House.

HB 3871 would require municipalities to consider school zone limits for public charter schools in the same manner as ISDs increasing student safety. HB 3871 has been placed on the local calendar and should be heard soon by the House.

HB 388 exempts public charter schools from paying taxes on their leased property. HB 388 has been referred to calendars and once placed on the calendar, it will be heard by the House.

SB 2293/ HB 2487 defines public charter school employees as public employees. SB 2293 has been placed on the Senate calendar and will be heard by the Senate very soon. HB 2487 has been referred to House Calendars and will be heard once it is placed on the Calendar.

We will continue to work hard these last few weeks of session to advance our legislative priorities and keep things moving!  

Legislative Process 101
Read more about how the legislative process in Texas works here:
How a bill becomes a law in the Senate
How a bill becomes a law in the House

Interested in learning more about where other bills are? Use the Texas Legislature Online website to search for bills by number or phrase

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