
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick named Charter Champion

November 20, 2019

Starlee Coleman, CEO of TCSA and John Armbrust, CEO and Founder of Austin Achieve Public Schools honored the Lt. Governor for his hard work and dedication to public school students in Texas by presenting him with the 2019 Charter Champion award. Lieutenant Governor Patrick is one of our greatest champions at the Texas Capitol.  This past session, there were several negative bills filed that would have hurt public charter schools and our students. Lt. Gov. Patrick worked to ensure that bills that would negatively impact public charter schools did not make it to the finish line. Because of the Lt. Governor’s help in shepherding our priorities through the process, we were able to get many of our legislative priorities on the Governor’s desk. We are thankful for the Lt. Governor’s support and look forward to our continued work together in the future.



512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704