
Guest Blog: May 20th SASIC High School Art Show

May 12, 2016

The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity (S.A.S.I.C.) District is a tuition-free, arts-infused Public Charter School. S.A.S.I.C.’s mission focuses on the importance of all art-based and science endeavors to encourage a lifelong passion of learning, pursuing creative college and career paths; instilling in the individual a humble sense of giving back to the community as everyone's responsibility.

The S.A.S.I.C. High School will have an end of the year art show beginning on May 20, 2016. Students have been preparing for our art show throughout the year. Freshmen were introduced to the basic aesthetics of art, art design, and principles while students in advanced courses have fewer restrictions and more experimentation and expression in their compositions.

Approximately 15 students’ final art pieces will be on exhibit beginning on May 20 at the Movement Gallery in San Antonio and the show will run for two weeks. Students worked with different mediums of their choice. There will be paintings done on canvas with a watercolor wash background and India ink. Stencils were painted on canvas and pencil and graphite work on quality Bristol paper will be displayed as well. “Corner to Corner” is the theme as each painting and drawing will be covered from corner to corner. The students really enjoyed working with the watercolor wash on canvas and the effects the watercolor leaves on the canvas when applying more water to the brush.

About 80 students total at S.A.S.I.C. High School participate in art classes. S.A.S.I.C freshmen classes include an Introduction to Drawing and Introduction to Art History with an introduction to pencil drawing, graphite and charcoal along with techniques. Sophomores take Introduction to Painting with acrylics and watercolor and this includes the usage of paint and techniques and how to apply with different tools and brushes. Junior level courses include Painting II and Drawing II to focus on large scale drawings and mixed media. Seniors have more involvement with the community and art projects such as murals.

If you are in the San Antonio area, we encourage you to visit the Movement Gallery and see our students’ art work on display.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704