
New TCSA Director of Data on Storytelling Through Numbers

October 15, 2015

By Dr. Maria Lourdes "Marylu" De Hoyos, TCSA Director of Data Services

Public charter schools offer a place to practice true school reform and transformation. We can transform schools into a place for children to experience exponential growth of their mind and spirit.

Dr. Maria Lourdes De Hoyos

Dr. Maria Lourdes De Hoyos

I am an immigrant who came to the U.S. in search of education, the master key that opens the door of opportunities. In my journey, I learned English as a second language. My parents instilled education as one of our most cherished values at home. Parents that choose public charter schools have that same desire to provide the best possible education they can find for their children.

TCSA’s work brings together my two greatest loves: People and data. I joined TCSA because I am committed to education innovation. Data is of crucial importance to documenting the achievement story and facilitating the understanding of where we need to devote more resources.

I look forward to helping our data tell the story of Texas’ public charter schools. I look forward to working with our charter leaders and innovators, so that all children can achieve their highest potential and parents can choose the best education for their children.

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704