
The 2018 Texas Charter Schools Conference: That's a wrap!

October 31, 2018

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Texas Charter Schools Conference. The final registration count of 1,627 confirmed that this year’s conference was the best-attended yet! Thank you again to the conference committee led by Yvette East and Brent Wilson for their leadership and assistance in organizing the flow of the conference and for selecting and organizing the conference breakout sessions. A special shout out as well to Alyssa Townsend, TCSA’s Director of Events, for her leadership in taking care of all of the details that go into planning and implementing such a large conference.


We hope that you had an opportunity to hear the conference keynote speakers Dr. Tim Elmore and David Osborne as well as TCSA’s new CEO Starlee Coleman and were inspired by their visionary thinking as we face the opportunities and challenges of the Texas public charter school movement both now and in the future.

Most importantly, a special thank you to our CEOs, board members, staff, and supporters of our member schools who participated in the conference through their attendance and participation in breakout sessions and large group gatherings. We know how extremely busy your lives are and that you are expending valuable time and resources through your attendance. With that said, many of you have already completed an evaluation form that was sent to you. If you haven’t done so already, please take a few minutes today to complete this short survey so that we can use your input to make the TCSA 2019 conference even better! Here are links to the attendee survey and the exhibitor survey.


512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704