
Upcoming TCSA Training Opportunities

March 21, 2018

Have you checked out the TCSA Events Calendar lately?  We are continually adding training content that is focused on helping our member schools stay up-to-date on best practices in the myriad of areas that impact the operation of a successful charter school.  Here’s some of the upcoming opportunities that are offered to you free as a TCSA member:

April 5th - 4:00 p.m. - Diving Into Your Needs Assessment.  Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment is a vital task for school leaders as you use all relevant data to assess strengths and weaknesses and develop a campus improvement plan (CIP) to address identified needs.  This webinar will discuss what data needs to be considered, best practices to analyze your data, and how to use your analyzed data to prepare your CIP as well as your ESSA application for federal funds.

April 19th – 4:00 p.m. – Energy Saving 101 – How to Find Savings In Your School Facility. This webinar will present a step by step overview on how to reduce energy costs in your school building(s).  Energy reduction best practices will be shared that can be implemented at no cost or with minimal to substantial investment.  Energy experts from TCSA Solution Provider Jengo Consulting will share personal stories of how they saved one Texas school district $4 million and other real life examples of energy saving successes at charter schools and traditional ISD campuses.

May 1st – 4:00 p.m. - Employee Situations Regarding Alleged Harassment, Retaliation and Discrimination.  Texas charter school expert and attorney Joe Hoffer will offer authoritative advice and guidance in this one-hour webinar on dealing with employee situations regarding alleged harassment, retaliation and discrimination.  In the webinar Mr. Hoffer will precisely describe what harassment, retaliation, and discrimination may look like in a workplace environment, legal steps that must be followed if an employee alleges that any of these behaviors have taken place, and how to create a healthy workplace environment to mitigate the likelihood of these types of behaviors.

April 26th – 9:00 a.m. - Be sure to register to attend our next TCSA Member Council Meeting on Thursday, April 26th in Austin.  At this meeting we will continue our focus on charter advocacy and what TCSA is doing as an organization, including the addition of our 501c4 Charter Schools Now under the TCSA umbrella, along with the latest information on our CEO search, the most recent news from the charter sector and TEA, and an instructional and quality service update.  This is also a great opportunity to network with other charter leaders!

Coming in June – We are tentatively scheduling a charter school law conference and CEO summit for Tuesday, June 26th in Austin.  We will e-blast an official invite to member schools as soon as details are finalized.

Don’t forget that TCSA is your one-source solution for governance and administrator training.  We offer on-site and on-demand training opportunities that are deeply discounted for member schools.  Please contact me to learn about how TCSA can meet your training needs!

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704