




Lawmaker Awards for 2019 TPCSA Conference

Charter Champion Awards

Charter Champion awards were presented at conference to:
Donna Bahorich, SBOE , Senator Donna Campbell

Carried Priority Legislation

Representative - Jim Murphy

Representative - Harold Dutton

Representative - Joe Deshotel

Representative - Jarvis Johnson

Representative - Matt Krause

Senator - Donna Campbell

Senator - Kelly Hancock

Senator - Eddie Lucio, Jr.

Senator - Pat Fallon

Senator Brandon Creighton

Other Charter Champions

Representative - Dan Huberty

Representative - Stephanie Klick

Senator - Larry Taylor

Governor - Greg Abbott

Lt. Governor - Dan Patrick

SBOE member - Donna Bahorich

SBOE member - Ken Mercer

Charter Star Awards

Charter Star awards were presented at conference to:
Chris Duke, Education Policy Analyst, Lt. Governor’s office, MaryLynn Bunkley, Education Policy Analyst, Lt. Governor’s office John Colyandro, Senior Advisor and Policy Director, Governor's office Patricia Vojack, and  Chief of Staff, Sen. Fallon’s office

Charter Star - Staff Awards

Chief of Staff - Tamoria Jones, Rep. Harold Dutton’s office

Education Policy Advisor - Marian Wallce, Lt. Governor's office

Education Policy Analyst - Chris Duke, Lt. Governor's office

Education Policy Advisor - May Lynn Bunkley, Governor's office

Senior Advisor and Policy Director - John Colyandro, Governor's office

Senior Policy Analyst - Taylor Borer, Sen. Kelly Hancock’s office

Director, Senate Ed Committee - Brigitt Hartin, Sen. Larry Taylor’s office

Chief of Staff - Particia Vojack, Sen. Pat Fallon’s office

Legislative Director/ Committee Clerk - Melissa Quevado, Rep. Joe Deshotel’s office

Policy Analyst - Addison Regan, Sen. Donna Campbell's office

Chief of Staff - Tara Garcia, Sen. Brandon Creighton’s office

Committee Director - Amy Peterson, Rep. Dan Huberty’s office

Teacher and Leader Awards

2019 Leader & Teacher of the Year

Past Leaders & Teachers of the Year

512-584-8272 | 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447, Austin, TX, 78704