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November 14, 2017

Reason #15 to Join or Renew Membership with TCSA: Support to Address Charter Challenges

There are several reasons to join or renew your membership with the Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA), and one of the primary reasons includes TCSA’s support in addressing the challenges that you and your charter team are wrestling with right now. TCSA assists charters and their boards with a wide array of subject matters, all […]

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November 14, 2017

TCSA’s New Tech Partner

The Texas Charter Schools Association’s newest partner is Revive IT, a hardware, software and managed solutions provider specializing in affordable, streamlined IT solutions for schools using new or professionally refurbished equipment. Revive IT offers everything from consultation to equipment installation, and because their sister firm, ER2, has relationships with Fortune 1,000 companies for asset disposal, […]

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November 14, 2017

Hurricane Harvey and Academic Accountability

One of the benefits of membership with the Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA) is representation at the Texas Capitol. On Tuesday, November 14, 2017, TCSA’s Bruce Marchand appeared before the House Public Education Committee to advocate on behalf of public charter schools and students. Below is the testimony he provided to the Committee to support […]

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November 9, 2017

TEA Generation 23 External Reviewer Application is Now Available!

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has just posted the RFQ announcing the need for qualified external reviewers to score Generation 23 charter school applications. The application packet can be found here. The deadline to apply is Monday, December 11th. What is an independent external reviewer of charter applications, and what do they do? As most […]

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November 9, 2017

Guest Blog: Why Become a TCSA Member?

Wayside Schools became a member of the Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA) five years ago when I joined the Wayside staff as CEO. I have been a passionate supporter of TCSA for many years and share the belief that every parent should have the opportunity to choose the free, public school that best fits the […]

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November 2, 2017

A New Chapter for TCSA

As a founding board member of the Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA), I have been passionate about this organization since its inception. TCSA’s mission is to improve student achievement in Texas by advocating for and strengthening a diverse set of high quality charter schools. I’m thrilled to be a part of this mission both in […]

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October 26, 2017

Achieve the vote!

Early voting is officially underway in Texas and Austin Achieve Public Schools is striving to increase voter turnout. On October 4th Austin Achieve held a student-led voter registration drive to register eligible voters in Austin. A group of juniors from the school’s founding class of 2019, along with the help of a Travis county Volunteer […]

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October 26, 2017

Guest Blog: Hurricane Harvey's Impact on the Rhodes School

The Rhodes School opened its doors in 2007 to educate pre-K through eighth grade students in Houston, Texas. Throughout our decade of serving the northeast part of Houston, we have never experienced anything near the devastation that Hurricane Harvey brought to our community’s doorstep. I encourage you to donate to the TCSA Harvey Relief Fund […]

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October 26, 2017

Keep Up The Fight!

My final day as TCSA Executive Director approaches and it is definitely bittersweet. The opportunity to serve as a leader in this vibrant and successful movement has been extremely rewarding. As most of you know, it also has been quite challenging. As I reflect on our shared journey over the last nine years, I think […]

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October 25, 2017

Our Civic Duty: Voting

As a community passionate about public charter schools and public education, we encourage all of you to participate in the election process as a part of our civic duty. Every vote counts! Our duty to engage in advocacy efforts goes beyond the 140 days the state legislature meets. As this fall voting season kicks off, […]

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